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Our services

User and Market Research and Analysis

Analysis of Project Material and User Research
Research project field, understand user needs, and motivations using various techniques such as market trends research, workshops, interviews, and observation.
Competitor Analysis
Evaluating and understanding your competitors’ digital products to identify their strengths and weaknesses, to help inform and improve project’s design strategy.
Workshop and Problem Definition
Clearly articulate user problems, pin down project objectives, and strategically align them with business goals. Identify key user groups to create representative personas, understand user segments, and map out their different goals and motivations.
Person typing on the computer

UX/UI Design

Improve your organization’s efficiency with custom tools designed by product designers to support your unique operational needs and processes.
High-to-Low Fidelity
Begin with rough sketches to capture product ideas, then wireframes, and finally high-fidelity designs that mimic the final product, including interactive prototypes for user testing as needed.
Design System That Best Fits Your Brand
Ensure that every element used in the design, from colour to typography, serves a purpose and improves the user experience.
Image of design process from wireframe to full design

Iterate and Define

User Testing
Assess usability to evaluate how intuitive and easy-to-use the design is, relying on real user interactions. Using the prototype the client can conduct user research with their target users from which feedback is used to inform design changes.
Incorporate Feedback
Evaluate constructive criticism, test results, and incorporate improvements into the design for a smooth user experience.
Prepare Project for Development
Implement AI to intelligently automate routine tasks, allowing We create a design specification detailing interactions, transitions, and behaviours, and verify that deliverables such as assets and style guides are clear. We conduct a thorough handoff meeting with the development team to clarify all design decisions.you to focus on strategic business growth.
Image of UX/UI designer's created component, structured design system, colors, and text.

About Idea Link

We're an agency with proven expertise in emerging technology.

We believe in the power of leveraging the newest skills in the market.
We're experts in Large Language Models (like GPT4 & chatGPT), No-Code and Low-Code tools for software development.
We've served more than 30 clients all around the world - from startups to enterprises alike.
We're an AI automation agency that combines a plethora of existing tools to provide a reliable solution to your business.
We focus on a deep understanding of your business and only then provide you with a solution.

The Team Behind Idea Link

Rokas Jurkėnas
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A true businessman at heart, Rokas is always on the lookout for the next big thing, whether it means taking part in hackathons or just keeping a finger on the pulse of the tech industry. However, he engages in the technical side, too, having built many things with code, without and advised enterprises on their processes. Now his passion lies in helping people build the best products with No Code. Having lived in the USA, UK and Singapore, Rokas is the Mr. Worldwide of the group.
Miglė Žilakauskaitė
Project Manager
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Miglė comes from a background with a lot of structure. Her father was a military officer, which is why she wanted to work in the Lithuanian Defence Ministry herself. During her studies, she always had project management at her side and ended up working in the IT public sector. For us, this is what she brings to the table: a strong hand that makes sure our projects are on track.
Ieva Ratytė
Product Designer
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Ieva is a product designer who studied her field in Scotland. Ieva lives and breathes design - her works are set firmly in the digital sphere, but they all have a connection to reality: she used to create furniture and consumer products, as well as making copper jewellery and watercolour illustrations to this day. Ieva has an almost telepathic knack for understanding what the customer needs and turning it into the right product, which is why we are ecstatic to have her on board!
Martynas Jurkėnas
Lead Developer
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Martynas is our most talkative person. He is also a developer, which is an unusual combination. After an 11-year stint in swimming, he decided that it didn’t have enough danger and space for creativity (also, you cannot talk underwater). As a result, Martynas became a No Code developer and started studying for a Master’s degree in cybersecurity. After all, he is Martynas from the Idea Link clan and his ancestors used the orb of No Code to save the world. Did he ever truly have a choice?
and 20+ more designers, developers, QA specialists...

Our Work

Our Work

Dashboard page mockup
Internal insurance company dashboard
Read about how we built an internal dashboard for an insurance company with No Code, using Bubble.io. The dashboard is used to manage sales more conveniently.
Screenshots of mobile social network built with No Code
Social Network for Dogs in New York
Read about Mond, a No Code native mobile app for iOS we built using Bubble. Mond is a social network for dogs in New York.
Social network screenshot
Social network for a local community
Read about how we built a social network that empowers a local community to take control of their streets with No Code, using Bubble.io.
Website's landing page mockup
Price comparison website
LetzCompare is a price comparison website we made using Bubble. It’s a great example of going around Bubble’s backend and frontend limitations.
Website's landing page mockup
Real estate marketplace
Remark is a real estate marketplace we built with Bubble. It’s packed with features like automatic newsletters based on preferences, booking visits and more.

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You'll meet the founder
Rokas Jurkėnas
Founder & CEO @ Idea Link
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UI/UX Product Design FAQs

Xano Development FAQs

What is Xano built on?

Even though there isn’t much public information available on what programming languages Xano was built on, its relational databases are built on the PostgreSQL database management system, which also fulfils the Big Data needs of a NoSQL solution. 

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Is Xano a database?

Xano is a backend development platform that includes a cloud-hosted database, among other features. So, in a sense, Xano includes a database as part of its platform. However, Xano is not solely a database; it also provides a variety of tools and services for building and deploying APIs, managing user authentication, and integrating with other third-party services.

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Why should I choose your Xano agency for my project?

There are several reasons why you should hire Xano developers from our agency for your project:

Professional software developers: Our agency provides highly skilled and experienced remote Xano developers who can solve any technical issue with custom code. This means that we can deliver custom solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Unprecedented attention to customer needs: We pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer service and attention to our clients' needs. We take the time to understand your requirements and deliver solutions that meet your unique needs. Our customer-facing staff have excellent communication skills and will update you on our progress daily. 

No Code expertise: Our agency specialises in No Code development, and we have extensive experience with Xano. This means that our team of Xano experts can help you build custom APIs and backend functionality quickly and efficiently.

Scalability: Our solutions are designed to be highly scalable, allowing you to grow your business and handle high volumes of traffic without worrying about server maintenance.

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What is backend for No Code?

A No Code backend is a backend development platform that allows users to build and deploy backend functionality without requiring any knowledge of programming languages or software development. 

With a platform like this, users can create APIs, set up databases, configure workflows, and integrate with third-party services using visual interfaces and drag-and-drop tools.

Some notable No Code backend platforms include Xano, Backendless and others.

No Code backends often utilize pre-built templates and components, allowing users to quickly create complex backend functionality without writing a single line of code. These platforms are designed to be easy to use and accessible to individuals and organizations without significant technical expertise.

No Code backends are becoming increasingly popular as users seek to develop and deploy digital solutions quickly and efficiently, without the need for extensive development resources.

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What can you build with Xano?

This is a list what what you can build with Xano:

E-commerce platforms: You can use Xano to build an e-commerce platform that includes features such as product listings, shopping carts, and payment processing.

Social media platforms: Xano provides the tools to build social media platforms with features such as user authentication, profiles, feeds, and messaging.

Business applications: Xano can be used to build custom business applications such as project management tools, CRM systems, and inventory management systems.

Marketplace applications: You can use Xano to build a marketplace platform that connects buyers and sellers and includes features such as listings, search functionality, and payment processing.

Mobile applications: Xano provides a mobile SDK that allows you to build mobile applications that communicate with your Xano API.

Internet of Things (IoT) applications: Xano can be used to build IoT applications that communicate with connected devices and sensors.

These are just a few examples of the types of applications that you can build with Xano. Xano's flexible data modelling and API building tools allow you to create custom applications that meet your specific business needs.

However, you should note that Xano only provides the backend of apps. Our Xano experts will connect that backend to a No Code frontend built on other platforms such as Bubble.io or Webflow.

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Why should I choose Xano development?

There are several reasons why you should choose Xano development for your next project:

No Code development: Xano provides a No Code development environment that allows you to create APIs and backend functionality without having to write any code. This makes development faster and more accessible, even for non-technical users.

Rapid development: With Xano, you can rapidly prototype and develop backend functionality, which can save time and money during the development process.

Scalability: Xano is designed to be highly scalable, allowing you to build applications that can grow with your business needs. The platform provides automatic scaling and load balancing, so you can handle high volumes of traffic without worrying about server maintenance.

Security: Xano provides robust security features such as user authentication, encryption, and role-based access control. These features help ensure the security of your data and protect against unauthorised access.

Integration: Xano provides pre-built integrations with popular third-party services, such as Stripe and Twilio, making it easy to integrate these services into your application.

Flexibility: Xano is a flexible platform that allows you to customise your backend functionality to meet your specific business needs. Custom data models and API endpoints can be created with the integrated No Code API builder, and the platform supports a variety of data types and relational database features.

Overall, Xano development can provide a fast, flexible, and scalable solution for building custom backend functionality and APIs for your web or mobile application.

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Are top Xano developers in demand?

Xano development services are in high demand as more businesses and entrepreneurs turn to no-code platforms to quickly and cost-effectively build their web and mobile applications.

 However, finding skilled and experienced remote Xano developers for full-time hire can be a challenge. That's where Xano development agencies come in. They have expert back-end and front-end developer teams that can create custom web and mobile applications tailored to their clients' specific needs.

Despite the high demand for Xano development services, agencies like ours are committed to providing personalised attention to each client. We take the time to understand your requirements and deliver solutions that meet your unique needs. 

We can usually start the development of a project within a couple of weeks from our first call and almost always complete projects within the agreed-upon timelines, provided there are no changes in the project scope.

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Can You Connect Xano and Flutterflow?

Yes, as a No Code agency, we can certainly connect Xano and Flutterflow to create a powerful and functional application. 

Combining Xano and Flutterflow together results in faster development times, lower costs, and greater flexibility. With No Code development, we can create and deploy your application much faster than traditional development methods, which means you can get your product to market sooner.

We can also combine other No Code tools such as Xano and Bubble for especially complex web applications. 

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What Xano Integrations Can You Make for My App?

There are many tools and external services that we can connect your Xano-based app to. 

The most natural applications are connecting it to the frontends of Bubble for complex applications or Flutterflow for simpler web apps. 

We can also connect your Xano app to business-related services such as a CRM (e.g. Salesforce), email software (Mailerlite, Mailchimp, Omnisend), automation software (Make, Zapier) and others. 

Even if it was not mentioned in this list, our Xano developers can connect any service to Xano, as long as it has a developer API.

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