Enter the details of your project using the quick 7 questions (mostly multiple-choice).
Our state-of-art AI algorithm analyzes your data, takes in the context, breaks down the project and provides the results based on our previous 100+ products.
The generation has finished and the report has been formed. Enter your email to get the report sent to your inbox.
You’ve got a full project plan that includes: detailed features broken down, problem and solutions statements, detailed timeline breakdown as well as the estimated budget.
You don't need technical background to understand or fill out this report. Simply enter what you require and get the comprehensive report.
Spend 3 minutes, to get an extensive report, for free. If you have doubts, schedule a free follow-up call.
The estimator understands your idea and based on Idea Link's knowhow breaks down the project, simplifies it and shows the hidden.
It's not a generic AI answer. The estimator been trained on our know-how and process - it's equivalent of getting a structured expert's advice.
You'll receive the full project plan with all required details not just the time and price.
The price and time estimates are based on our typical development process. This is the amount of time it would take our team to develop such a product, using a tech stack that we recommend.
Other calculators usually have preset rules for each feature. The complexity in software projects is not just a single feature, but a combination of them. This adds additional complexity, which was impossible to dynamically account for, until this tool has been created.
Yes, this tool is completely free to use. The only thing we request to avoid spam is to enter your email to get the report.
Yes, currently, you can scope more than a single project, completely free of charge.
Sure, please get in touch with Rokas, the founder, to discuss this opportunity at rokasj@idealink.tech