Your Trusted Partner in Innovative Software Solutions

With decades of combined experience, our team transforms your ideas into powerful software solutions swiftly and efficiently.
Idea Link team

We are a closely-knit team of creators and problem solvers

At Idea Link, our strength lies in our people. Our team of dedicated professionals combines their diverse skills and experiences to create software that not only meets but exceeds your business goals.

We take pride in our collaborative approach, ensuring seamless communication and exceptional outcomes from start to finish. We never ship anything less than production-grade software that’s loved by its users.

Our Approach

Clear Communication

We believe that great communication is the foundation of successful projects. By maintaining transparency and regular check-ins, we ensure that your vision is accurately translated into a functional, high-quality product.

Right Tech for the Right Problem

We leverage a diverse range of technologies, including leading low-code tools and AI solutions, to address your specific requirements. By selecting the right tools for the job, we deliver solutions that are not only effective but also adaptable to your business landscape.

All Encompassing Team

Our integrated in-house team approach means you have all the expertise you need under one roof. This includes designers, developers, project managers, and QA specialists, ensuring a unified vision and execution, resulting in a product that meets your expectations and standards of excellence.

The Team Behind Idea Link

Rokas Jurkėnas
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A true businessman at heart, Rokas is always on the lookout for the next big thing, whether it means taking part in hackathons or just keeping a finger on the pulse of the tech industry. However, he engages in the technical side, too, having built many things with code, without and advised enterprises on their processes. Now his passion lies in helping people build the best products with No Code. Having lived in the USA, UK and Singapore, Rokas is the Mr. Worldwide of the group.
Miglė Žilakauskaitė
Project Manager
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Miglė comes from a background with a lot of structure. Her father was a military officer, which is why she wanted to work in the Lithuanian Defence Ministry herself. During her studies, she always had project management at her side and ended up working in the IT public sector. For us, this is what she brings to the table: a strong hand that makes sure our projects are on track.
Ieva Ratytė
Product Designer
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Ieva is a product designer who studied her field in Scotland. Ieva lives and breathes design - her works are set firmly in the digital sphere, but they all have a connection to reality: she used to create furniture and consumer products, as well as making copper jewellery and watercolour illustrations to this day. Ieva has an almost telepathic knack for understanding what the customer needs and turning it into the right product, which is why we are ecstatic to have her on board!
Martynas Jurkėnas
Lead Developer
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Martynas is our most talkative person. He is also a developer, which is an unusual combination. After an 11-year stint in swimming, he decided that it didn’t have enough danger and space for creativity (also, you cannot talk underwater). As a result, Martynas became a No Code developer and started studying for a Master’s degree in cybersecurity. After all, he is Martynas from the Idea Link clan and his ancestors used the orb of No Code to save the world. Did he ever truly have a choice?
and 20+ more designers, developers, QA specialists...

Our Work

Our Work

Dashboard page mockup
Internal insurance company dashboard
Read about how we built an internal dashboard for an insurance company with No Code, using The dashboard is used to manage sales more conveniently.
Screenshots of mobile social network built with No Code
Social Network for Dogs in New York
Read about Mond, a No Code native mobile app for iOS we built using Bubble. Mond is a social network for dogs in New York.
Social network screenshot
Social network for a local community
Read about how we built a social network that empowers a local community to take control of their streets with No Code, using
Website's landing page mockup
Price comparison website
LetzCompare is a price comparison website we made using Bubble. It’s a great example of going around Bubble’s backend and frontend limitations.
Website's landing page mockup
Real estate marketplace
Remark is a real estate marketplace we built with Bubble. It’s packed with features like automatic newsletters based on preferences, booking visits and more.

Our Process

1. Discovery
5. Launch &
4. Quality
& App
2. Research,
Analysis & UI/
UX Design
2. Research,
Analysis & UI/
UX Design
3. Digital Product
1 week
- Confirmed fit (technical, budget)
- High-level written proposal
- Assembly of the best-fitted team
Our process begins with a free, 45-minute discovery call to dive deep into your project's vision, goals, and expectations. During this call, our team will engage with you to understand your specific needs & business problems, answer any questions, and outline the best path forward.

Post-call, you'll receive a high-level written proposal detailing the next steps, an estimated timeline, and a price range for your digital project. This step ensures both technical and budget alignment, giving you a clear plan and peace of mind to proceed, all risk-free.
2-6 weeks (depending on project scope)
Project Manager, Designer, Developer
- Full product UI/UX designs & a design system
- Detailed feature breakdown
- Accurate development timeline
This stage is where your project's vision starts to take shape. Over 2-6 weeks, our dedicated team will conduct in-depth workshops to extract detailed requirements from you. We proactively gather the necessary information, ensuring you don't need to manage the process. We communicate with you via weekly calls, Slack and email.

Once the requirements are collected - we’ll create comprehensive UI/UX designs using Figma, ensuring every aspect of your project is visually mapped out and user-friendly.

You'll receive a full set of designs with a design system, a detailed feature breakdown, and an accurate development timeline. This extensive planning phase allows you to see exactly how the product will look and what it will do before the development starts. It makes sure both parties are on the same page.
3-12 weeks (depending on project scope)
Developer(s), Project Manager, Quality Assurance Specialist
- Production-ready digital product
- Regular updates throughout the development
In this stage, our skilled development team brings your vision to life. Over 3-12 weeks, we transform the detailed designs and specifications from the previous stage to a fully functional digital product.

Our iterative development process includes regular progress updates, thorough testing, and quality assurance to ensure a high-quality end product. You’ll receive a polished and operational product, ready for launch.

This stage is all about turning plans into reality, with a focus on delivering a robust, user-friendly solution that meets your exact needs and exceeds your expectations.
2 weeks
Quality Assurance Specialist, Project Manager
- Thoroughly tested and validated product
- IP & app transfer
- Deployment on your custom domain
We understand that even the simplest digital products can have hidden complexities underneath the hood. That’s why we provide a 14-day guarantee period after shipment to ensure your product is exactly right. During this time, our Quality Assurance team is on standby to address any issues and fine-tune the product, handling all the edge cases and intricate details that may arise.

When you're ready to go live, we deploy your app on your custom domain and transfer all credentials and IP rights to you. Any remaining time in the 14-day window is dedicated to providing extra support, ensuring any overlooked issues are instantly addressed. This stage guarantees a smooth transition and peace of mind, knowing your product is ready for the world.
Customer Success Team
- Continuous development and improvements
- Ongoing support and maintenance
- Peace of mind
When your app goes live, our commitment to your success doesn’t end. With Idea Link, you have the flexibility to choose whether you want to handle the app yourself or opt for our comprehensive support plans and continued development.

If you prefer to manage the app on your own, we’ll ensure you have all the tools and knowledge you need. Alternatively, we can continue to act as your product tech team, offering ongoing development to enhance and expand your app as your needs evolve.

Our support plans are designed to cover all your needs, from routine maintenance to handling any unexpected issues. With Idea Link, you’ll always be covered and have peace of mind knowing your app is in expert hands.
Click on each stage to learn more.

Our Process

1. Discovery
2. Research, Analysis & UI/UX Design
3. Digital Product Development
4. Quality Assurance & App Transfer
5. Launch & Support
1. Discovery
2. Research, Analysis & UI/UX Design
3. Digital Product Development
4. Quality Assurance & App Transfer
5. Launch & Support
1 week
- Confirmed fit (technical, budget)
- High-level written proposal
- Assembly of the best-fitted team
Our process begins with a free, 45-minute discovery call to dive deep into your project's vision, goals, and expectations. During this call, our team will engage with you to understand your specific needs & business problems, answer any questions, and outline the best path forward.

Post-call, you'll receive a high-level written proposal detailing the next steps, an estimated timeline, and a price range for your digital project. This step ensures both technical and budget alignment, giving you a clear plan and peace of mind to proceed, all risk-free.
2-6 weeks (depending on project scope)
Project Manager, Designer, Developer
- Full product UI/UX designs & a design system
- Detailed feature breakdown
- Accurate development timeline
This stage is where your project's vision starts to take shape. Over 2-6 weeks, our dedicated team will conduct in-depth workshops to extract detailed requirements from you. We proactively gather the necessary information, ensuring you don't need to manage the process. We communicate with you via weekly calls, Slack and email.

Once the requirements are collected - we’ll create comprehensive UI/UX designs using Figma, ensuring every aspect of your project is visually mapped out and user-friendly.

You'll receive a full set of designs with a design system, a detailed feature breakdown, and an accurate development timeline. This extensive planning phase allows you to see exactly how the product will look and what it will do before the development starts. It makes sure both parties are on the same page.
3-12 weeks (depending on project scope)
Developer(s), Project Manager, Quality Assurance Specialist
- Production-ready digital product
- Regular updates throughout the development
In this stage, our skilled development team brings your vision to life. Over 3-12 weeks, we transform the detailed designs and specifications from the previous stage to a fully functional digital product.

Our iterative development process includes regular progress updates, thorough testing, and quality assurance to ensure a high-quality end product. You’ll receive a polished and operational product, ready for launch.

This stage is all about turning plans into reality, with a focus on delivering a robust, user-friendly solution that meets your exact needs and exceeds your expectations.
2 weeks
Quality Assurance Specialist, Project Manager
- Thoroughly tested and validated product
- IP & app transfer
- Deployment on your custom domain
We understand that even the simplest digital products can have hidden complexities underneath the hood. That’s why we provide a 14-day guarantee period after shipment to ensure your product is exactly right. During this time, our Quality Assurance team is on standby to address any issues and fine-tune the product, handling all the edge cases and intricate details that may arise.

When you're ready to go live, we deploy your app on your custom domain and transfer all credentials and IP rights to you. Any remaining time in the 14-day window is dedicated to providing extra support, ensuring any overlooked issues are instantly addressed. This stage guarantees a smooth transition and peace of mind, knowing your product is ready for the world.
Customer Success Team
- Continuous development and improvements
- Ongoing support and maintenance
- Peace of mind
When your app goes live, our commitment to your success doesn’t end. With Idea Link, you have the flexibility to choose whether you want to handle the app yourself or opt for our comprehensive support plans and continued development.

If you prefer to manage the app on your own, we’ll ensure you have all the tools and knowledge you need. Alternatively, we can continue to act as your product tech team, offering ongoing development to enhance and expand your app as your needs evolve.

Our support plans are designed to cover all your needs, from routine maintenance to handling any unexpected issues. With Idea Link, you’ll always be covered and have peace of mind knowing your app is in expert hands.

Ready to start your own project?

Let’s get started!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)