AI Automation Agency - Make AI Work for Your Business

Automate your processes by leveraging the power of AI and No Code tools. Cut costs, earn more, and focus on the highest-value activities.
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Our Artificial Intelligence Services

AI Process Automation

We automate a wide range of tasks and processes for your departmens. For example: customer support with AI-powered chatbots. We train these AI agents on your company's information so that you get the most value out of it.

AI-Powered Product Development

Create digital products by leveraging the state-of-the-art GPT4 models. We'll help you all the way - from product designs to integrating cutting edge machine learning models and software development.

Internal AI-Powered Tools Development

Create internal platforms embedded with AI helpers that can help you achieve goals, help make business decisions, create content, and integrate with your existing systems.


Our Proven Process

Step One


We schedule a free video call with you to understand the goals and expectations for your project. After the call, we provide you with the next steps, a rough duration, and the best model for working together - fixed price or time spent.

Step Two

Analysis & Product Design

We start with a workshop where we gather all the requirements from you, uncovering the areas most ripe for automation. Then we focus on designing the workflows and processes that provide the most value to your business.

Step Three

AI Solution Development

Once we have all the required information we develop the solution for you at record speeds. You'll see the progress in our project management system.

Step Four

Support and Maintenance

After completing the development, we can stay close as your long-term partner to continuously iterate, provide technical support and reliably scale your product in the future. Or, if you prefer, we can fully hand it over and teach you how to maintain it yourself.

Are you ready to deploy AI in your Business?

Schedule a free call with the founder to explore the opportunities.


Benefits of AI Solutions and Automation

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Increase Efficiency

With our AI technology solutions, your business can operate 24/7 without breaks, liberating your team from mundane and repetitive tasks. This allows your employees to save time and focus on strategic tasks that fuel innovation and growth.

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Reduce Operational Costs

Automation dramatically cuts down your operational costs by handling high-volume, repetitive tasks that would otherwise require significant man-hours. By reallocating your resources towards more value-driven tasks, you further optimize costs and enhance profitability.

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Accelerate Scaling

Our AI automation solutions provide the flexibility and efficiency to scale up your operations without proportionally increasing costs. Coupled with data-driven insights that facilitate informed decisions, our services let you adapt and expand at an unprecedented speed.


Our Work

Our Work

Dashboard page mockup
Internal insurance company dashboard
Read about how we built an internal dashboard for an insurance company with No Code, using The dashboard is used to manage sales more conveniently.
Screenshots of mobile social network built with No Code
Social Network for Dogs in New York
Read about Mond, a No Code native mobile app for iOS we built using Bubble. Mond is a social network for dogs in New York.
Social network screenshot
Social network for a local community
Read about how we built a social network that empowers a local community to take control of their streets with No Code, using
Website's landing page mockup
Price comparison website
LetzCompare is a price comparison website we made using Bubble. It’s a great example of going around Bubble’s backend and frontend limitations.
Website's landing page mockup
Real estate marketplace
Remark is a real estate marketplace we built with Bubble. It’s packed with features like automatic newsletters based on preferences, booking visits and more.

Pricing for AI projects

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AI Automation
€3000 - €10 000
Analyze your business and propose an action plan with the most value-adding automations.
Set-up the automation systems, integrate them with your existing tools and extensively test them.
Deploy the AI automation and have your business process work on autopilot.
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AI Product Development
€10 000 - €50 000
Analyze the requirements of your AI product and create the required UI/UX designs, technical architecture.
Develop a scalable product using AI, no-code and low-code tools in 2-12 weeks.
Launch the AI product, provide support & on-going feature development.
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Integrated AI Strategy
€50 000+
Analyze the business processes of entire departments and provide a plan to implement AI in most value-adding areas.
Develop AI automations and AI products to reach the business goals of the organization.
Train the employees how to use and create AI tools, provide support and development for existing solutions.
Are you ready to deploy AI in your Business?
Schedule a free 30 minutes analysis call to explore how AI can help your business.

The Team Behind Idea Link

Rokas Jurkėnas
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Miglė Žilakauskaitė
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Ieva Ratytė
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Martynas Jurkėnas
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and 15+ more ...

About Idea Link

We're an agency with proven expertise in emerging technology.

We believe in the power of leveraging the newest skills in the market.

We're experts in Large Language Models (like GPT4 & chatGPT), No-Code and Low-Code tools for software development.

We've served more than 30 clients all around the world - from startups to enterprises alike.

We're an AI automation agency that combines a plethora of existing tools to provide a reliable solution to your business.

We focus on a deep understanding of your business and only then provide you with a solution.

Contact Us

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Schedule a Call with the
Rokas Jurkėnas
Founder & CEO @ Idea Link
Complete the form to book a 30-minute discovery call to get to know your goals, needs and expectations.
We will provide you with a price and time estimate for development after the call!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What exactly does AI automation entail?

AI automation is the use of advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) models like GPT-3 and GPT-4 as well as machine learning models to streamline and automate your business operations. By intelligently handling tasks, these models can reduce manual effort, improve efficiency, and deliver high-quality results.

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Our team is overloaded. How can we shift focus to business growth?

We get it - growing a business while managing daily operations can be overwhelming. That's where our AI and digital automation technologies step in. They take over routine tasks, freeing up precious hours for your team every week. This way, you can shift focus to what matters most - strategic growth and expansion.

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What distinguishes AI from automation?

Think of it this way: Automation is like a train following a set of tracks - it performs specific procedures based on predefined rules. AI technology, on the other hand, is more like a self-driving car. It makes its own decisions and adjusts its actions based on new data and insights. Both are crucial in a well-balanced automation strategy.

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Will our team structure need to change with automation?

That is completely your decision to make. Automation is not about downsizing but upgrading. It's designed to take over time-consuming tasks, leaving your team free to focus on strategic, creative, and highest-value activities. We're experts at weaving AI and automation into existing operations seamlessly, so you can reap the benefits without the disruption.

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How will AI automation impact the performance of my business?

AI automation can dramatically enhance your business performance. It increases efficiency, reduces errors, and frees up your team to focus on strategic tasks. Moreover, with AI, you can leverage data to make informed decisions, leading to better business outcomes. Gartner made a study that the use of Large Language Models (like chatGPT) in the workplace can improve efficiency by up to 70%.

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How secure is AI and the tools you use? Is my business data safe?

Absolutely. We prioritize the security of your business data. All AI and No-code tools we use follow strict data privacy and security regulations and we use open-source technology when possible. We also implement additional security measures as per your business needs.

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What kind of support can I expect during and after the implementation process?

We provide full support throughout the implementation process and beyond. We ensure a seamless transition to automation, and we're always available to answer any questions or resolve any issues you might encounter. We use Slack for communicating with clients.

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What is the investment for implementing AI and automation?

The investment varies depending on your business needs, the complexity of the tasks to automate, and the specific tools used. However, our focus is always on providing a high return on investment by improving efficiency, productivity, and decision-making in your business.

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How long does it take to implement AI and automation?

The timeline can vary depending on the scope of the project. However, we aim to provide fast and effective solutions, and we'll provide an estimated timeline after understanding your specific needs. Feel free to book a complimentary call with us!

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Do I need any technical knowledge to manage or use these automated systems?

Not at all. Our solutions are designed to be user-friendly. We'll also provide training and support (if at all needed) to ensure you as the client feel comfortable and confident using the new systems.

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