Construction Journal Platform

Simplified construction documentation using an electronic logging platform. Easily manage journal entries and form submissions for smooth project management.

Key Features

  • Key statistics on journal entries
  • Extensive user management
  • Automatic emails
  • Easy project setup by importing a CSV file
  • Regulatory compliant management of log entries
  • Timestamps and activity history functionalities

Improving User Experience Through System Development

The development of the system focused on providing users with a user-friendly, straightforward method for completing journal entries. In addition, CSV file import functionality has been integrated to remove the need for manual entry. Priority was given to the user experience, which ensures an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

The system features a clean and simple design, making it easy for users to find and manage key functionality. Our system is focused on professional functionality, simplicity, and intuitive user experience, accommodating a wide range of users and allowing for efficient management of large datasets.

TOOL USED & Xano & Sendgrid

TOOL USED & Xano & Sendgrid







Lessons Learned

In similar systems, hassle-free record entry, clear presentation of data in tables, and easy access to key functionalities are critical, especially when dealing with large datasets. Equally important is loading speed, which determines how quickly data loads as pages are navigated.

A slow loading speed can put a heavy load on the system, affecting its performance and usability. Therefore, it is essential to optimize all functions for speed and efficiency in a system of this scale. This guarantees professionalism, simplicity and a better user experience.

Project Creation

A project is initiated in the system and all relevant information is entered. By marking the project start and end dates, the system automatically triggers the project closure process as the project nears completion. Throughout the project creation phase, structures and owners are also included.

Journal Entries

From the Journal Entries page, select the form for which you want to create an entry. Entries can be filtered, archived, or created based on an existing entry. The table provides an interactive display of the status and signature badges for each record. Responsible individuals must sign the records. All records are validated by the local construction industry technical regiments and there are over 50 journals that need to be completed.

Journal Import and Management

Journals are imported into the selected section via either CSV document uploads or manual entry. These journals contain descriptions of the primary tasks associated with the records being created.

User Roles and Responsibilities Management

In this system, users have different roles and responsibilities. Upon addition to the system, each user is assigned a specific role, responsibility, and a corresponding set of privileges. These privileges determine the level of functionality the user can perform within the system and allows for clear task delegation.

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