Software development made Simple by our Expert Low Code Agency

Efficient, Scalable, and Customised Low Code solutions
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Why Choose Our Low Code Agency?

Expertise in
Low Code development

A combination of Xano and, Flutterflow and WeWeb brings out the best that Low Code tools have to offer. Our Low Code developers will build you a flexible database with secure data storage that is GDPR compliant, so nothing stands between you and business success.

Low Code Developers that Focus on Results

Our clients appreciate the approach where we focus on solving the problem at hand versus just developing features. We pride ourselves on understanding your domain and helping you build the right products quickly.

Cost Effective and more Scalable than ever

By simplifying complex coding processes, Low Code tools allow us to quickly adapt to changing market demands and scale up your business operations. Low Code is a game-changer for businesses seeking to stay competitive in a fast-paced digital landscape.

Our Proven low Code Development Process

Step One


We schedule a free video call with you to understand the goals and expectations for your Low Code project. After the call, we provide you with the next steps, a rough price and the best model for working together - fixed price or time spent.

Step Two

Analysis & Product Design

We start with a workshop where we gather all the requirements from you. Then we focus on designing the UI, UX and data architecture of your app, constantly keeping you in the loop. After this stage you’ll own the full designs and know how long the software will take to build. 

Step Three

Low Code Development

We will build your product using Low Code tools for the shortest time-to-market possible. We'll work in sprints and you will receive weekly updates on our progress right until hand-off, which will happen after our quality assurance check.

Step Four


After completing the development, we can stay close as your long-term partner to continuously iterate, provide technical support and reliably scale your product in the future.

Want to get your own product built with Low Code?

Join over 30 companies that trust Idea Link.


Idea Link is a fantastic team to work with. The collaboration started by them gathering deep understanding of the project and in the next stage we agreed on price and deadlines. Everything was completed on time, as well as inaccuracies that I noted were quickly corrected. Communication was fluent and more efficient than I’ve experienced before!

Vilius Juodvalkis

When you only have a vision of how you would like to facilitate your processes, call Rokas for help. Rokas sincerely delved into the problem, our vision, devoted a lot of time to refine the details with our team who will use the product. He visualized, refined and demonstrated the functioning of the system in great detail even before starting the software development.

Lukas Jovaiša

Rokas quickly understood our unique challenges, and in a very short time, created a powerful, customized solution that brought diverse details of our business together in one easy-to-manage interface. I would highly recommend Rokas to anyone who requires an immediate solution that uses cutting edge tools, created by an extremely capable and trustworthy professional.

Steven R.
Founder & CEO

Had the pleasure to work with Idea Link and its team to develop our brand’s new digital experience. We came to them with a need to create new connections with our potential customers through a website that could represent our new brand strategy. From the very beginning, I was amazed by their professional communication and service. Idea Link's insights and technical know-how helped to create a digital touchpoint that strengthened our customer experience. I highly recommend Idea Link if you want to create or upgrade your brand’s digital experience.

Matas Rutkauskas
Project Development Manager

We partnered with Idea Link to design the first version of our web app, a tool for multichannel prospecting. Idea Link helped us challenge the product specifications to keep only the core features, then developed it with a great mix of code & No Code to increase speed. I was impressed by the reactivity and strong dedication of the team all along the project.

Adrien Aouate

They were committed to delivering a high-quality product and within my expectations, so their customer satisfaction skills were their best attribute. Their team was communicative, responsive, and delivered within deadlines. They adapted to my tight deadlines without an extra charge and even started working before I sent the initial payment deposit, which I appreciated.

Graham Rowe
CEO & Founder

We were able to launch the first version of the system within a few months which was a great achievement from the whole team. Following the initial launch we have continued with improvement iterations and build additional features and modules making the system more complex. There was a great overall communication with the whole team. I appreciate their creativity and strong understanding of our business needs.

Carl Åhslund
CEO Open Infra US

“We were able to launch the first version of the system within a few months which was a great achievement from the whole team. Following the initial launch we have continued with improvement iterations and build additional features and modules making the system more complex. There was a great overall communication with the whole team. I appreciate their creativity and strong understanding of our business needs.”

— Carl Åhslund
CEO Open Infra US
An Open Infra logo

Our Work

Our Work

Dashboard page mockup
Internal insurance company dashboard
Read about how we built an internal dashboard for an insurance company with No Code, using The dashboard is used to manage sales more conveniently.
Screenshots of mobile social network built with No Code
Social Network for Dogs in New York
Read about Mond, a No Code native mobile app for iOS we built using Bubble. Mond is a social network for dogs in New York.
Social network screenshot
Social network for a local community
Read about how we built a social network that empowers a local community to take control of their streets with No Code, using
Website's landing page mockup
Price comparison website
LetzCompare is a price comparison website we made using Bubble. It’s a great example of going around Bubble’s backend and frontend limitations.
Website's landing page mockup
Real estate marketplace
Remark is a real estate marketplace we built with Bubble. It’s packed with features like automatic newsletters based on preferences, booking visits and more.

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We will provide you with a price and time estimate for development after the call!
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You'll meet the founder
Rokas Jurkėnas
Founder & CEO @ Idea Link
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Low Code Development FAQs

Who is a Low Code developer?

A low code developer is someone who specializes in using various Low Code  development platforms, to create complex applications.

Low code tools allow users to build apps without writing code by using a visual drag-and-drop interface to design the user interface, and a visual programming language to create the app's logic and functionality.

A Low Code developer's job description typically includes experience using Low Code platforms to build software, being familiar with their features and capabilities, and solving complicated challenges in development. Our top Low Code developers are also capable of developing a native mobile application.

Our developers work in flexible teams formed for a specific project and specialize in certain areas of web development, such as user interface design, database integration, or API connections.

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Is Low Code software development Safe?

No-code tools are a safe and reliable option for software development.

All of the rumors of Low Code platforms, in general, being unsafe are caused by amateur developers failing to manage the security settings, data storage protection, and access permissions of their apps. Making a secure app is one of the hardest steps of the Low Code learning curve.

Thankfully, you don't have to worry about that. Our software development company will go the extra mile and make sure that your app is as safe as any other built using traditional software development.

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What Is Your Low Code Development Process?

Our development process is simple and efficient. We start by understanding your needs and requirements through a 30-minute free video call. Then we provide a rough price estimate for your project.

After that, we design your app - draw user flows, agree with you on user stories and set up the database architecture, which is a lot less time consuming to do early on in the process. This usually takes 1-2 weeks to deliver.

After we review and confirm the designs with you, our development team begins building your app without code. This process takes 2-6 weeks until launch.

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What is the difference between Low Code and No Code?

The difference between Low Code and No Code is often subject to misconception. While these terms are closely related, they are two very different options for development.

Low Code development requires some coding skills, but it's still completely different from full code development while No Code platforms typically do not require any traditional coding skills and allow people to build computer software easily.

Here are the key differences between the two:
Low Code
Usually more customisable than No Code
• Easier to maintain than traditional code
• Basic coding skills required
• Faster to build and launch than traditional code
No code
Fastest to create and build
• Better for simpler apps
• No coding skills required
• Easier to learn

Your choice between Low Code and No Code development depends on the complexity of your project and the level of customization required. Low Code platforms offer greater flexibility and control, ideal for more complex applications. In contrast, No Code platforms are best for simpler, quick-turnaround projects.

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What’s the most complex app you’ve built with Low Code?

The most technically complex app we have built is Open Infra. It is a project management app for a fiber cable and telecommunications infrastructure company.
Click here to see our full case study.

The tool has a few very different user roles: technicians use it to record actions on cable repairs and installation, while managers track their progress. The company's clients and partner companies also have their distinctive roles in the system.

The app is centered around a map built on Mapbox that can be manipulated: notes and pins can be added, the map is synced with satellite navigation and locations are associated with certain tasks and clients of the client. Our Bubble developer team had to create their on plugin just for the map page.

The app is fully responsive on multiple platforms and also features appointment scheduling together with automatic emails.

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Is Low Code development worth it?

Low Code development is definitely worth it and here is why:

Speed: Low Code dramatically reduces the time needed to develop and deploy applications. This means we can bring your product to market faster.

Cost-Efficiency: By minimizing the need for extensive coding, Low Code development can significantly reduce development costs.

Flexibility: Low Code solutions are built to be flexible and scalable, enabling your business to adapt and grow without being hindered.

Reduced Dependency on Technical Staff: While having a skilled IT team is invaluable, Low Code reduces the dependency on specialized technical staff for maximum business efficiency.

Continuous Improvement: Low Code platforms often come with tools for easy updates and iterations, allowing for continuous improvement of your applications.

This kind of development is particularly advantageous for companies seeking to streamline operations, reduce costs, and stay agile in a dynamic market environment.

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How much do the services of Low Code developers cost?

The final cost of a project depends on its complexity and whether you come to us with designs ready. If not, we can design your app or site completely from scratch, making your vision into the right product for you and your users.

Our suite of design & analysis services costs around €5,000-10,000, which includes writing user stories according to your requirements, drawing user flows, prototyping, and database design. All that is created in this stage belongs to you.

Our development, on the other hand, usually costs in the region of €10,000-30,000.

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What can you build with Low Code tools?

This is a list what what we can build with Low Code tools like Xano, Bubble, WeWeb and Flutterflow:

E-commerce platforms:
We can use Low Code tools to build an e-commerce platform that includes features such as product listings, shopping carts, and payment processing.

Social media platforms:
Platforms like Xano provides us the tools to build social media platforms with features such as user authentication, profiles, feeds, and messaging.

Business applications: We can build custom business applications such as project management tools, CRM systems, and inventory management systems.

Marketplace applications: We can use Low Code tools to build a marketplace platform that connects buyers and sellers and includes features such as listings, search functionality, and payment processing.

Mobile applications:
Low code tools like Xano provide a mobile SDK that allows us to build mobile applications that communicate with your Xano API.

Internet of Things (IoT) applications:
We can build IoT applications that communicate with connected devices and sensors. These are just a few examples of the types of applications that we can build with Low Code tools

These are just a few examples of the types of applications that we can build with Low Code tools

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Is Low Code future proof?

Absolutely, Low Code development is more than just a trend, it's a significant shift in the way software is created and maintained.

Low Code tools offer scalable solutions, making them versatile for businesses of all sizes. The growing community around low code further solidifies its long-term viability, with an expanding pool of resources and shared knowledge. In essence, choosing low code is not just meeting immediate needs but making a strategic investment for future growth and resilience.

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