What is Agile In Software Development? (Methodology and Principles)

Rokas Jurkėnas
October 3, 2024
September 17, 2024
What is Agile In Software Development? (Methodology and Principles)

Agile is a project management approach that focuses on customer feedback and iterative progress. It aims to improve team efficiency and product quality. We will take a look at what Agile is and its core principles.

What does Agile mean in simple words?

Agile is a way of working, especially in software development, that focuses on being flexible and responsive to change. Instead of planning everything out in detail from the start, Agile teams break work into smaller pieces, called "sprints," and continuously deliver small parts of the project. This allows them to quickly adapt to new information, fix issues as they arise, and improve the product step by step with regular feedback.

The main idea is to work more collaboratively, quickly, and effectively to meet customer needs.

What are the 4 main values of agile development methodologies?

There are 4 core principles from the Agile Manifesto that prioritize people, collaboration, and flexibility over strict compliance with predefined processes. Here is some more information about them:

1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

This value focuses on the value of people and their interactions over the strict use of processes and tools.

2. Working software over comprehensive documentation

This value focuses on the importance of delivering functional software rather than producing extensive documentation.

3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

This value highlights the importance of ongoing collaboration with the customer rather than strict contract terms.

4. Responding to change over following a plan

This value reflects the Agile philosophy of embracing change rather than following a predetermined plan.

How Does the Agile Software Development Process Work?

Agile mehtodology illustration

The entire agile software development process is based on the 12 principles written in the Manifesto. Here are some more in-depth looks at each of them and how the process works:

1. Satisfy customers through early, continuous improvement and delivery

By splitting the project into smaller parts, teams can deliver updates often. This approach lets customers see regular improvements, which helps ensure their needs are met. When customers get updates often, they are more likely to like them. This can lead to more customers and more income.

2. Embrace changing requirements, even late in the project.

Agile is flexible, allowing teams to respond to changing requirements at any stage. Agile embraces change, unlike traditional models where changes late in the project can be disruptive. This flexibility ensures that the final product meets customer needs, even if those needs change during development.

3. Deliver Value Often

Agile says you should deliver value often. This helps you keep customers or stakeholders happy. It also lets you get feedback early and often. This helps you make sure the product is always what users expect.

4. Break down the walls between your projects.

Agile teams work together across roles. This helps them communicate, share knowledge, and work towards common goals. This is vital for creating a product that meets the needs of all stakeholders.

5. Build Projects Around Motivated Individuals

Agile teams are most effective when composed of motivated individuals. The framework encourages self-motivation and accountability, allowing team members to contribute actively to the project's success. This motivation is critical for achieving project goals.

Illustration of building projects

6. The Best Way to Communicate is in Person

Agile values clear communication. Face-to-face interactions, even virtually via Zoom, are the best way to ensure everyone is on the same page. These interactions reduce misunderstandings and help build stronger teams, leading to better collaboration and problem-solving.

7. Working software is the main thing.

In Agile, the goal is to deliver working software. This means focusing on the product, not on documentation or other non-functional deliverables. Progress is measured by the ability to deliver functional software that meets customer needs.

8. Keep a sustainable pace.

Agile recognizes the importance of maintaining a sustainable pace. While the process can be fast-paced, it should not lead to burnout. Teams are encouraged to work at a sustainable pace, ensuring consistent productivity without sacrificing the well-being of team members.

9. Continuous excellence improves agility.

Striving for excellence in each sprint builds a strong foundation for future iterations. Continuous improvement ensures high output and quick adaptation.

10. Simplicity is Essential

Agile encourages teams to find simple solutions to complex problems. This helps prevent over-engineering and ensures the development process remains focused and efficient. Simple solutions are often more adaptable and easier to maintain.

11. Self-organizing teams Are the Most Productive

Self-organizing teams make decisions and are held accountable. This leads to higher productivity and innovation. When teams are trusted to manage themselves, they can respond quickly to changes and deliver more value.

12. Reflect and adjust your work regularly to improve effectiveness.

Agile encourages regular reflection through meetings. These sessions help the team learn and improve, leading to increased effectiveness over time.

What are the disadvantages of Agile Development methodology?

Person working on a board

Besides the disadvantages, agile development methodologies have a number of disadvantages:

Lack of documentation: Agile methodologies often prioritize working software over comprehensive documentation. This can lead to inadequate documentation, making it difficult to onboard new team members or maintain the system over time.

Scope creep: Agile's flexibility can sometimes lead to scope creep, where new features and changes are continually added without proper evaluation, leading to project delays and potential budget overruns.

Less predictability: Due to the iterative nature of Agile, it can be difficult to predict the final outcome, cost, and timeline of the project, especially in the early stages. This can be problematic for stakeholders who require more accurate planning and forecasting.

Team Dependency: Agile relies heavily on the collaboration and skill level of the team. If the team is inexperienced or does not communicate effectively, the project can suffer. In addition, agile teams often need to be small, which can limit the scope of the project.

Inconsistent delivery: Because agile emphasizes rapid iterations and regular releases, the quality of deliverables can vary. Some iterations may produce more stable and robust software, while others may be more prone to bugs and problems.

Customer availability: Agile requires constant feedback and interaction with the customer. If the client is unavailable or unresponsive, it can delay the project and lead to mismatched expectations.

Limited focus on design and architecture: Agile's focus on quick iterations can sometimes result in insufficient emphasis on overall system design and architecture, which can lead to technical debt and scalability and maintainability issues down the road.

What is an example of Agile methodology software?

There are many project management frameworks and tools that allow you to follow the agile process. For your convenience, here are a few tools that will allow you to follow the agile process more easily:


Clickup interface

ClickUp is a project management platform designed to optimize the workflow of agile teams. It provides customizable tools for managing product roadmaps, backlogs, sprints, and more. With ClickUp, teams can centralize their work, improve teamwork, and gain insight through real-time reporting.

Key Features:

  • Agile Dashboards and Sprint Reporting: Track progress across projects with detailed dashboards. Sprint reporting helps teams stay on track and meet their goals.
  • Customizable Views: Customize your workspace with views that suit each team's needs. Whether it's Kanban boards, Gantt charts, or lists, ClickUp has a view for every preference.
  • Native Git Integrations: Seamlessly integrate with Git to manage code repositories within ClickUp. This keeps development and project management in sync.
  • No-Code Automation: Save time with automation that requires no coding. Set triggers for tasks, updates, and notifications to keep projects moving without manual intervention.


Jira interface

Jira is a powerful project management tool designed for agile teams. It supports multiple Agile methodologies, including Scrum, Kanban, and custom workflows. Jira allows teams to plan, track, and manage software development projects in one place, making it an essential tool for Agile practices.

Key Features:

  • Agile Boards: Visualize your work with customizable Scrum and Kanban boards. These boards help teams track progress and identify bottlenecks.
  • Backlog Management: Prioritize tasks and stories easily with Jira's backlog management tools. Drag and drop tasks to reorder, and use filters to focus on key issues.
  • Sprint Planning: Make your backlog the center of sprint planning. Estimate stories, adjust scope, and monitor velocity in real time during meetings.
  • Agile Reports: Access a range of reports like Burndown, Velocity, and Cumulative Flow to gain insights into your team's performance and improve future sprints.
  • Kanban Features: Set work-in-progress limits, configure swimlanes, and track cycle time to ensure smooth and continuous delivery.

Can Agile be applied to large, complex projects?

Sticky notes on a board

Yes, Agile can be applied to large, complex projects. Although, you will see that it is mostly not recommended. However, it does not stop software development teams from incorporating a few agile practices into their already proven development process.

Final thoughts

Agile development breaks projects into smaller tasks called "sprints" and allows teams to deliver updates regularly. This approach ensures rapid adaptation to change and continuous product improvement.

Agile development focuses on four key values: prioritizing people over processes, delivering functional software over excessive documentation, collaborating with customers rather than just following contracts, and responding to change rather than rigidly adhering to plans.

Agile is not without its challenges. The flexibility that makes it attractive can also lead to problems such as scope creep and less predictable project schedules. Documentation can be lacking, and the reliance on team dynamics means that poor communication or inexperience can significantly impact success.

Despite these drawbacks, Agile's focus on continuous improvement and customer satisfaction often outweigh the potential risks, making it a viable option for many development teams.




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Rokas Jurkėnas

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Rokas is an entrepreneur and a No Code expert in one. He has founded two businesses, Idea Link, the leading No Code agency in the Baltic States, and Scantact, an online and on-site event management solution for expos, trade shows and fairs with lead retrieval functionality. He is the most prominent voice on the topic of No Code in Lithuania, having spoken twice in Login, the leading innovation conference in the country, sharing his knowledge in social media and news outlets.

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